
Two amazing things happened in 2014. I searched for a local Lab Rescue organization and I found CILRA. Shortly after that, was introduced to “Buddy”, renamed to Deebo. He was heartworm positive and was a bit of a runner. He knew all the homes around me that had a dog in a yard he could go and romp with. He had a particular love for a doberman a couple blocks away. The owners would always bring Deebo back to me and tell me the tales of that hour’s play session.

Rescue dogs take patience and love to overcome their past. Deebo was no different. However, I refused to give up on him like those in his past had. He paid me back for all of that patience and love by providing me 10 years of constant companionship and trust.

Just shy of his 16th birthday, he was ready to head over the bridge. between failing hips and kidneys, I knew it was time for my final act of love. Relieving him of his pain.

RIP my friend. I’ll catch you on the other side. Don’t chase the bunnies. ; )    — Brian P.