Cooper (aka Wrigley)
Sad news. Our beloved Lab, Cooper (formerly Wrigley, adoption date 6/18/13) died of an inoperable cancerous tumor on his heart. He was that strong, steady companion that sat by my side when working from home, loved walks, car rides, playing ball and pillows. He is truly missed.
Many thanks to CILRA for the care you gave Cooper when he was surrendered 7 years ago and for the excellent job in vetting the dogs. Cooper was the exact match we wanted and we hope we were for him.
We are considering getting another Lab. The joy these big dogs bring is incredible. We look forward to adopting from CILRA as soon as you open up for new applications. Thanks again, Pam and Rich A.
[update from CILRA: Pam and Rich did end up adopting another CILRA Lab. Our most sincere condolences for their loss of Cooper, and our deepest thanks for their ongoing support and enormous hearts!]