In Memory

Sad Hearts, Happy Memories

This page is devoted to those beloved Labs who are no longer with us. If you have stories or photos to share, please click here. To make a donation in a particular Lab’s memory, click here.


We adopted Hoosier on Veterans Day 2012. Monday, May 3 Ron and I had to make the hardest decision of our lives. We chose to end Hoosier’s pain. We fought every battle as hard as we could but in the end dysplasia and arthritis won the war. Hoosier gave us the happiest nine years. He…

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We adopted Jacie December 24, 2009 from CILRA. She passed away on November 24, 2020. She was just shy of being with us 11 years. She apparently had a break in one of her hind legs prior to us adopting her that was not set properly if at all. So she had a chronic malunion….

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In November of 2018 we had to say goodbye to our Mickey. I had always said that he was an angel on earth and one day heaven would need him back. Mickey was neglected and starved to 29 lbs. He had every reason to distrust and dislike humans, but he was just the opposite. He…

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Our beloved Phoebe made it to her 13th birthday recently. She enjoyed her last Christmas, and even saw the first day of the new year. But on January 1, liver cancer was discovered, and we had to say goodbye. We adopted Phoebe (and her brother Gus) from CILRA in early 2008. We went to look…

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I wanted to share with you that Blake who I adopted back in the Fall of 2016 crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. He was 9 years old and was found to have a hemangiosarcoma of his spleen. He was a great Lab and companion and he will be missed.      — Patricia F.

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